love,  PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION,  relationships


It is safe to say that at some point in our lives we will experience true heartbreak. A loss in one form or another. The kind of heartbreak that physically fatigues you, despair is the word that comes to mind.   You may experienced this… When people are talking, you hear their voices but you aren’t listening, not because you don’t care what they have to say, but because you can’t quite concentrate on the words. It just sounds like Charlie Brown’s mother.  

The other day, I was looking through photos from a random online folder and there it was. A memory of my experience with despair. A photo from New Year’s Eve of me and D.circa 2008. We were smiling and happy. Who knew that 6 months later he’d be dead. However, in life’s ugliest moments, the most beautiful perspectives can be found. Yeah, it took me some time to get there.

Now a Brief Pause for a Lesson in Biology…

The heart, in its anatomical make-up, is technically already broken (well, for my dramatic prose at least, but a Cardiologist would correct me and say the chambers are separated).  The heart is the centerpiece for our circulatory system,  constantly pumping blood through a network of vessels.  The right side receives the nutrient deficient blood that has already done a pass through the body, including the brilliant and dynamic brain, and sends it over to your lungs for a refresh of O2.   Then, blood pumps back to the left side of your heart, which then returns oxygen rich blood back to all of our greedy little organs. 

But Wait, There is a Metaphor in Here Somewhere, I Promise…

In understanding the anatomical processes our bodies, we come to realize the synergy responsible for the success.

Anatomically speaking, our hearts work so hard for us, so when we feel the pain dealt by deep emotion, its no wonder we feel exhausted.  

The Silver Linings That Line Our Hearts.

The feeling of great loss underscores the bounty of love.  Anger, hate, happiness and grace play so vividly in our life experiences, that we should be grateful to feel just the beginning of their depth.

Personally, these emotions have pushed me through the vessels of vulnerability, successfully finding me just a bit wiser on the other side.  I don’t know what a life would be like without the intensity of deep emotions and experiences.

It is often said, when the most difficult of challenges rears its head, that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.

The magic is in the surprise of our own strength. This is not from the time spent working out, but because we have hope and faith.

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