
  • love,  PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION,  relationships


    It is safe to say that at some point in our lives we will experience true heartbreak. A loss in one form or another. The kind of heartbreak that physically fatigues you, despair is the word that comes to mind.   You may experienced this… When people are talking, you hear their voices but you aren’t listening, not because you don’t care what they have to say, but because you can’t quite concentrate on the words. It just sounds like Charlie Brown’s mother.   The other day, I was looking through photos from a random online folder and there it was. A memory of my experience with despair. A photo from New…

  • CLIENT THEOREM,  intimacy,  love,  PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION,  relationships


    Yes. You are simply the best because you bring out the best in me. I hear your voice, your touch and every organ in my body smiles. A big grin. Did you know that the largest organ in the human body is the skin? This underscores my point, as I feel my skin on fire and tickling…at just the thought of you. Love Without Occupation. Love can exist without the occupation of my heart and soul. Traditional relationships are not the only way to demonstrate feelings and intent. While boundaries exist, intimacy blooms and matures in a metaphysical realm. Chemistry is not predictable. My capacity for love is present in…

  • friendship,  love,  philosophy,  PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION,  relationships,  self development


    “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” Paulo Coehlo It is to be said that the heart, if you listen closely, will always give you the answers to life. The questions that we ponder, that we cant surmise from logic and so let slip from our mental grasp, our heart is the oracle. Love & Logic. The Theory of Everything. Take note, none of what I write is out of naivete. On the contrary, I’ve experienced everything emotion so deeply: great love, great loss, deep pain, intense desire. There is plenty of room in our life for logic,something we revere and celebrate. We often find…

  • CLIENT THEOREM,  dating,  escort thoughts,  intimacy,  love,  PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION,  relationships


    Recently I listened to the Impact Theory podcast. The guest was Sex Therapist Emily Morse. What was immediately apparent, is the significance of non-sexual points, like balancing your identity that seem to be the catalyst for why sex, or intimacy for that matter, has found its way to the bottom of the proverbial “to do” list. Basically, the more confident and centered you are within yourself, the better you can relate in connection with others. That’s obvious though, right? And yet, perhaps in a social-media, stuck-to-our-phones world, it’s not. Sure we smart enough to recognize this but maybe just too lazy to change. We should let the power of touch…

  • CLIENT THEOREM,  friendship,  intimacy,  love,  PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION,  relationships

    The Letter

    I was going through my desk drawer the other day and found a letter from my ex-husband. It was a letter he wrote me when he made me my Hope Chest. His engagement gift to me. I love a man who can work with his hands. Our divorce was two decades ago but his words aged beautifully. Imagine an electrical engineer who can write like Shakespeare. There in my tiny Upper East Side bedroom, I was transported to that day. The exquisite hope chest he had hand carved that would hold our precious memories, as we embarked on a new life together filled with hope and promise. Twenty years late…

  • friendship,  love,  PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION,  relationships


    Every Christmas, I look forward to one gift – my father’s handwritten letter on nothing-special paper, that peeps out of my stocking on December 25. It is so special that I don’t even read them.  There is such great potency in my father’s words, though they are few. They always make me cry.   The Jane Eyre Effect. In any important relationship that I have ever had, the handwritten letter was a significant form of communication. There is something about the sincerity of the written word, pen to paper that sets a man apart from the boys. It’s the extra effort and time, or perhaps are card chosen just for…