- AUDIO NOTES, CLIENT THEOREM, ESCORT THEOREM, intimacy, intimacy, morning love, PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION, seduction, seduction
“They Slipped Briskly Into an Intimacy from Which They Never Recovered.” F. Scott Fitzgerald I believe that true intimacy can sometimes happen by accident. It doesn’t have a formula, cadence or relationship status. Its wonderful with yo. Then, when we are in that spot, and the string of intimacy are harmonious, there is nothing like the pleasure that emanates from between our bodies.
Lust with the utmost patience. Believe that chemistry and connection is so bespoke that what you feel in this moment can’t and won’t be replicated because its us. Let those urges fill you and make you more productive, creative and ready for anything. However, waiting for the right moment is so much sexier. And with that…
Yes. You are simply the best because you bring out the best in me. I hear your voice, your touch and every organ in my body smiles. A big grin. Did you know that the largest organ in the human body is the skin? This underscores my point, as I feel my skin on fire and tickling…at just the thought of you. Love Without Occupation. Love can exist without the occupation of my heart and soul. Traditional relationships are not the only way to demonstrate feelings and intent. While boundaries exist, intimacy blooms and matures in a metaphysical realm. Chemistry is not predictable. My capacity for love is present in…
- CLIENT THEOREM, ESCORT THEOREM, intimacy, PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION, relationships, seduction, self-discovery
He knows how to respond to me. A confidence that comes so naturally its magnetic. I’m drawn to him and can feel my own deep longings, some which have been dormant for far too long. The plane we exist on, find enjoyment in, is never purely sexual. That is much too derivative. He is much too sophisticated to be one-dimensional in his desires. This is what intrigues me. The moistness in between my legs grows because of it. We both know it. You Are Never Too Old To Learn. What keeps things interesting is not the toys, not the physical moves, but the mental volley. Of course it is all…
Connection is made when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable enough to nurture it. It allows for a natural development over time. There is excitement in building the anticipation of direction. I would never assume he is so one-dimensional. Imagine That Moment When Anticipation Becomes Realization. Think of my voice. The deep-throated whispers in your ear. We are choosing our own adventure. How we connect and play has the depth of a prism, the perspective is susceptible to change. Your body and mind show me the effort. A yearning for me to acknowledge your openness and to dig deeper or to expand the breadth of intimacy. What He Is and…
Let me tell you how grateful I am…
- CLIENT THEOREM, ESCORT THEOREM, intimacy, PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION, seduction, seduction, sexual skills
It’s Friday. I want to send you off to the weekend with something memorable. Yet, I can’t decide if I want your heart to race, your dick to be hard or simply to hear your voice. Better yet, how about all three? You cross my mind almost daily. I think about your searing eyes, that hard cock, wet kiss and then I ask God to keep you safe, well that’s intimacy taken to another level, n’est-ce pas? After all a good prayer only reinforces what we desire. The mind is the best navigation tool we have. Life challenges us in the most mysterious ways and its our job to distort…
You aren’t Ricky Suave at first glance. Perhaps that is on purpose. There are men who peacock and there are men who choose to let their charisma out in private or where it really matters. After all, it is said that the best leaders spend most of their time sitting back and listening, not being the center of attention. You are confident in who and what you are. That is fucking sexy. Out of the Bedroom You Are One Way But In the Bedroom… Now we are there. Well maybe not right there...but sooo close. In fact, everything feels like its on pause as we move slowly onto each other.…
- CLIENT THEOREM, intimacy, PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION, seduction, self development, sexual connection
You are a mere mortal. Every morning you get up and engage in a routine. You work hard. Your body is a temple…most of the time. However, you know when it’s time to relax and venture into that tiny hedonistic part in you. When there is an opportunity to just enjoy life, you seize that moment, although secretly you wish there were many more of those. Yet, you are a man of control and regimen, so sacrifices are made. Oh, do you have such a vivid imagination! This is the pleasure of sacrifice. Please take me on more of those journeys. The Wanton Us. I’m not sure if you realize…
There is a always a moment when words turn into action. Where the eyes lock, the head tilts and body temperature rises. Two mouths draw close, so close and the tongue stands on attention. The Kiss. A Beginning and End. Charm my brain. The anticipation of your head so close to mine that I can see the microscopic pores on your nose. A lyrical conversation between two bodies. Vulnerability on display, an out of body experience, that catalyzes courage, daring you to make the next move. It is the greeting, good-bye; writing the prologue and epilogue of our story. These beautiful moments of intimacy that create the story, transforming strangers…