PROOF OF GROWTH & CONNECTION,  seduction,  sexual connection


In its purest form, intimacy is what truly satisfies. Its what makes us breathe deeply. Whether we are aware of it or not, its what we crave. The warmth of skin. Hands. Aural stimuli – those conversations, even if they make you feel uncomfortable because they can create the depth that leads to special moments. The non-sexual touches, the words bring a sensual, unexpected power.

How brave are we to do something with it?

The Power of Intimacy Writes Its Own Narrative.

Now, sexual touch can mean something or not. A one night stand can be intense and forgettable. It can also be a memory you hold for life. On the flip side, people who have been partnered for a long time, can engage sexually and be left feeling more longing. The deficit of intimacy can be scary.

What makes an intimate experience is the power behind the emotion and subsequent action. An authentic desire to be close, open and vulnerable. The individual comes together. Yet, if you look around us, all signs point to the opposite. I don’t think people realize what they are missing because the attention span is not there. Yes, we intuitively understand how important intimate connection is but it requires effort and patience that many of us shrug off, due simply to lack of time and patience. Then, we wonder why we aren’t satisfied.

Porn is Your Happy Meal.

Personally, porn doesn’t do much. I think for most, it is just a petit demoulage – a small release. I like to make my own porn. This doesn’t mean lights, camera action, but I want to leave my partner with that feeling. The visual, the intensity of being in that moment. There is nowhere else I want to be. Eye contact, the tendrils of hair on your inner thighs. My lips and tongue finding parts of your body that are obvious and blissful and not so obvious and blissful.

It’s easy and hard all at the same time.

Show me your courage. I am willing. Are you?

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